
Part-time Social Media Manager and Virtual Assistant

Romero Media LLC uses new forms of media to cultivate community for personal and professional growth. Currently we run a website professional community with video training and monthly business coaching. In addition, we have a Bible studies series that also culivates community producing religious focused content.

We are seeking the role of a Social Media Manager and Virtual Assistant who will come alongside all our projects and help us create content as well as manage our social accounts.

Location: Anywhere (virtual)
Pay scale: $20/hr (5-10 hrs a week)

Responsibilities include:

- Develop content strategy
- Manage Facebook accounts
- Manage Instagram accounts
- Manage YouTube accounts
- Produce social content
- Post videos to Vimeo and YouTube
- Assist with admin task for book orders
- Assist with admin task of record keeping

Tools used in the role:

Facebook, Vimeo, YouTube, Instagram, Canva, Airtable, WordPress, Teamwork, Slack, Zoom

Requirements are:

- Proven work experience as a Content manager
- Basic technical knowledge of WordPress and online publishing
- Comprehension of and familiarity with social media
- Outstanding written English skills
- Detail-oriented work style
- Time management and organizational expert
- Knowledge of the Catholic faith (for The Hagios Study accounts)
- Knowledge of web pro community (for the WP Care Market accounts)

Ideal candidate is someone who has experience in the world of WordPress and website pro community as well as someone who is spiritual and finds value in Catholic/Christian content.

Chosen candidate will be contracted as an independent contractor. Current rate will be $20/hr with a commitment of 5 hours a week. We have hopes for the role to grow in hours to 10 hours a week.


Please create a Google doc of your resume and make sure it's visibility is public
Role will manage social accounts of
Role will manage social accounts of